DEF CON 31 – New Novel WFP filter attack for privilege escalation

NoFilter - Abusing WFP for privilege escalation

I recently returned from the DEF CON 2023 conference in Las Vegas and amongst many of the briefings that I attended the talk by Ron Ben Yizhak was particularly interesting.  His talk was called “#NoFilter – Abusing Windows Filtering Platform for Privilege Escalation”.   Whilst privilege escalation attacks are fairly common against the Windows platform…

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Why you need Azure Conditional Access Policies

Conditional Access Policies

Overview Having undertaken a number of Red Team assessments over the last 5 years, one of the common things that is uncovered during these assessments is the lack of robust Microsoft Azure AD conditional access policies. Microsoft Azure AD Conditional access is a premium feature and disabled by default. To enable it you need a…

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Data Privacy – It’s time to act

What is the Australian data privacy act? The Privacy Act 1988 was introduced to promote and protect the privacy of individuals and to regulate how Australian Government agencies and organisations with an annual turnover of more than $3 million, and some other organisations that handle personal information. The Privacy Act includes 13 Australian Privacy Principles…

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Cyber insurance premiums soar

Cyber Insurance Premiums Soar

Cyber attacks are not going away anytime soon and in the wake of the Optus, Medibank and more recent Latitude Financial breach, the demand for cyber insurance has increased, despite premiums soaring as much as 300%. Many small to medium size businesses are feeling the affect and may now find it impossible to obtain cyber…

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Keeping your service provider honest!

We all expect our service providers to do the right thing, abide by contractural terms, provide support when they are meant to and be available when in need. However, sometimes that doesn’t always happen and so how do you keep your provider on the hook if things do go awry? In this example I’ll look…

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Tick Tock its time to stay safe!

Tik Tok

The Australian government is likely to follow other countries (USA, Canada, UK) in banning the use of TikTok for all government employees. Should we be concerned? A lot of the rhetoric around banning TikTok at the moment is certainly being driven by the geopolitical situation with China and the western world.  TikTok is certainly not…

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Export your passwords from LastPass

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few months you will know that LastPass has suffered a major breach.  If like me you feel you can no longer trust LastPass to safeguard your crown jewels then this article explains how to: Export your passwords from LastPass Delete and permanently erase all…

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Disrupting the Kill Chain

Over the last 10 years I’ve often heard the expression that… “Hackers only have to get it right once whilst defenders have to get it right all the time!” Well I don’t believe that’s entirely true and in fact I know it isn’t and in this article I’ll explain why! However good an attacker is…

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As easy as 123456 !

Data security breaches have become common place over the last 10 years, so much so that as an industry we have almost become immune to them.   However a recent study carried out by a Turkish Security researcher, Ata Hakcil, on password reuse found after analysing over a billion credentials that “123456” was the most…

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