Data Privacy: What is Personally Identifiable Information (PII)?

Data Security and Privacy

What is Personally Identifiable Information (PII) In a world where personal information is constantly being shared and disseminated online, protecting your privacy has become more important than ever. Understanding what constitutes Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is crucial in safeguarding your sensitive data. From your name and address to your superannuation number and banking details, PII…

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Data Privacy in Australia: Safeguard Your Personal Data

Data Security and Data Privacy

In an increasingly interconnected digital world, data privacy has become a critical concern for individuals and businesses alike. Nowhere is this more evident than in Australia, where safeguarding online information has taken on utmost importance. With cyber threats on the rise and data breaches becoming more frequent, protecting sensitive data has become imperative for Australians.…

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Data Privacy – It’s time to act

What is the Australian data privacy act? The Privacy Act 1988 was introduced to promote and protect the privacy of individuals and to regulate how Australian Government agencies and organisations with an annual turnover of more than $3 million, and some other organisations that handle personal information. The Privacy Act includes 13 Australian Privacy Principles…

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