To be or not to be a CISO

To be or not to be a ciso

Do you aspire to be a CISO? As a former CISO, I felt compelled to write this article after seeing many articles about the role of a CISO and opinions on how hard it is becoming. I’m uncertain whether many people today would actually aspire to be a CISO given the pressures, the demands of…

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30 years of the CISO role – how things have changed since Steve Katz

The first-ever CISO was mostly a technically oriented executive. They’ve since evolved into masters of risk management, threat mitigation, regulatory compliance, data privacy, and much more.

When Steve Katz became the first-ever CISO in 1995, Netscape Navigator was the world’s most popular browser, Mark Zuckerberg was in middle school, smartphones were a decade away, and SSL 2.0 was brand new.

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How to build and maintain a successful cybersecurity program

Cyooda Security: Building a successful cybersecurity program

In this article I’m going to be talking about how to build a successful cybersecurity program. This unique strategy is something I’ve learned and put into action over the last 30 years and that has helped to keep organisations safe, build resilience and maintain a continuous improvement plan that provides a WIN WIN for cybersecurity…

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