Improve your Data Security and Privacy : Six Step Process

Australian Data Privacy Reforms

Australian Data Privacy Act Reforms – Aug 2024 The Australian Data Privacy reforms are about to come into affect at the end of August 2024.  So there has never been a better time to get your organisations’s data security and privacy controls in check than now! If you missed what the reforms are about here…

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Data Privacy: What is Personally Identifiable Information (PII)?

Data Security and Privacy

What is Personally Identifiable Information (PII) In a world where personal information is constantly being shared and disseminated online, protecting your privacy has become more important than ever. Understanding what constitutes Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is crucial in safeguarding your sensitive data. From your name and address to your superannuation number and banking details, PII…

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Data Security and Privacy: Time to act is now!

Data Security and AI

With the latest Data Privacy law reforms on the horizon and having just finished off Privacy Awareness Week, #PAW2024, in Australia this article is aimed at all organisations that hold sensitive data. Data breaches are nasty, and they impact everyone involved. Australia has seen some of the largest data breaches over the last 18 months.…

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