Tick Tock its time to stay safe!

The Australian government is likely to follow other countries (USA, Canada, UK) in banning the use of TikTok for all government employees.
Should we be concerned?
A lot of the rhetoric around banning TikTok at the moment is certainly being driven by the geopolitical situation with China and the western world. TikTok is certainly not the only social media app that should be considered "bad" and is it really any worse than Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others?
What data does TikTok actually collect?
email, phone number, age, profile image and info, content you post, payment info, contact lists, IP address, advertising IDs, app and file names, keystroke patterns, location, biometric identifiers (face and voice prints), messages, uploaded content metadata, cookies, and web beacons.
Now that sounds like a lot of information but Meta / Facebook, Google, Instagram, SnapChat and other social media apps collect similar things and more.
It's time to wise up and stay safe
Social media platforms collect more information than you realise. If you open a website from a link in the TikTok app, it can record activities such as keystokes and what you tap on the page. This includes credit card details and passwords. If you sync your contacts with TikTok on your smartphone, you also risk giving access to private information.
Some Tips to stay safe
You may want to consider applying some of the recommended actions below to all your social media apps and accounts.